

There were two British Monarchs who were women who are not mentioned. They both ruled over two of the most referenced points in history. Queen Victoria had a whole era named after her. The Victorian Era. Ever heard of it? Likewise, Cleopatra is probably the only Ancient Egyptian Monarch most people can name off

Well, and Jesus.

Im going to be shit on for saying this. Yes, she is inspiring and I appreciate that she didn't sit around and wallow in her sorrows. But why did she get a bionic leg but our veterans are on a waiting list?

Better than Step Up: Lean In...

Not to be a dick, but isn't this kinda true of pretty much anything a woman writes about other than that which the moronanity (I made that up, like it?) decrees fit topics for the "fairer sex"? I mean honestly the same could be said of a woman writing about politics, cars, sports, IT, banking, war, death, the economy,

Very sorry for your loss. Take solice in knowing that at this moment your grandfather is up there in line right now saying:

I'm more bothered that she keeps pretending to be British.

A former coworker is a Sikh who wears a turban. He was at an anti-poverty protest once, when a woman with a Central European accent came up to him and after chatting a bit started asking about his turban. After he explained that he was Sikh, she said "No offense, but you look like a terrorist."

Without missing a beat

And I hope it's a white dude.

Absolutely. I couldn't watch the whole clip because the song is so bad.

If men could get pregnant they'd be able to have drive-through abortions on-demand and drink morning after beer.

They exhaustively considered all sorts of spellings before settling on that one

Since I do not watch this show, every time you guys write about him I imagine you are discussing Jean-Ralphio Saperstein.

After spending 2 hours in a Kindergarten class today, I can unequivocally tell you: This is not cute. Nope. Not even little.

Back when I was in high school, my married mother told me that she didn't care if I lived with a guy without marrying him. And that if I wanted to have kids without a husband or long-term boyfriend, she'd totes help me raise them.

Banged this guy on the second date. We've been living together for more than 5 years. Only just now getting married. Wouldn't have it any other way.

The husband should not forget during intercourse to tell his wife how much he loves her, how wonderful he thinks she is, how much delight she is bringing him.

Well put, Kelly! Chivalry =/= respect

I never check in with my pals or open doors for them, but my chums, we braid each other's hair all night and get into tickle fights.