The Snowman

These incidents all seem to be the same (excluding premeditated attacks). Driver throws a fit over a blocked road, gets into arguments with protesters, inevitably escalates. Driver inches forward, protesters attack car, drivers floor it, protesters hang on and get “dragged”. Ultimately the driver should go down a

“Encyclopedic knowledge of Greek philosophy. Tits not great.”

Why do I feel like the backlash would come so much faster if this was Kyler Murray or Deshaun Watson making these comments?

“They forget you've gotta win," said the Cleveland Browns quarterback.

Tin soldiers and Trump’s comin’

These owners really need to stick to sports.

I hope he beats this 

But he stood on her throat and didn't kneel, right?

Pretty sure it’s Pig gets roasted.

+1 bowl cut

Suicide. Is there a shortcut this guy won’t take?


If England is upset, they can come over here and burn down the White House again. 

They just want to be first in line for the big 4th of July party.

It was known as one of the fastest tracks back in the day, but that led to some pretty horrific collisions so at some point they outfitted all the horses running on that track with restrictor plates over their noses to limit their air intake and slow them down.

Big hit to Santa Anita. Hollendorfer’s horses were the glue that held that place together.

“Fuck no I’m not paying you for this. a) That was like 20 years ago and b) I said Big POPPA.”

Following Pope’s departure the Texans interviewed one black smoke before settling on white.