my state so blue

Heather (or Bravo) decided she wasn’t coming back this season.
She’s got other irons in the fire (the skincare line, podcast and YouTube series, along with occasional acting/hosting gigs), so perhaps her and Terri felt they had enough traction with their brand to cut RHOC loose. I also wonder how much she felt like

We were busy with a punfest until someone went in search of visuals.

Well of course that’s worse because it destroys a man, where actual sexual assault typically destroys a woman and I think we all know whose life is more valuable here.

Um, swoon.

i searched for a picture of the hero and found this:

Talented, brave, he seems to have the whole... um... package.

Seriously, I can’t even.


Tutu soon.

You’re lucky if you’re not barred from here after that.

He sets the barre pretty high.

Guess you could say his rescuing skills are en pointe.

Incredibly brave. However, in my head I can only see him entering stage right to <insert famous ballet piece> in full costume and lifting the prone man above his, a la swan lake, and dancing him to safety.

You’re welcome! Get used to seeing Penny, I’m one of the main dog pic providers of SNS. There’s also Amy, one of the unofficial SNS mascots:

And on my face/neck (at 6 am):

“Briefed” means one of his idiots came into his room/office and said, “I just saw on Fox that there was a terrorist attack on London.” Let’s not overthink this.

She looks delighted to be there!


What a beauty! Pretty Penny :)

So... I did something today.