my state so blue

It’s not age and it’s not pot. He is a bigot and has been. His words on Islam run parallel to Richard Spencer and White Hate. Please don’t try to excuse his Bigotry because he makes jokes about Republicans.

Maher didn’t radically misjudge the mood. He doesn’t give one damn about “the mood.” He’s simply racist. And sexist. And a narcissist. If people laugh, he’s affirmed. If they don’t, they just don’t get it or are too shackled by “political correctness” to be “with it”. But he’s never been with it. He’s an old troll in

And this is how people put themselves in danger. I would already have been wary of getting in the house after finding my spouse’s car wide open and him gone. If he didn’t answer when I called from outside, I’d assume something terrible had happened to him.

I’d run out of the house.

Leave the house?

lol, distraction is all we got. pass the rosè.

Thank god. This is exactly the book club we need in this, the summer of our discontent.

I was really counting on the flying cars to make the dystopian future worth it. But here we are, dystoping our peasant asses off with not a flying car to be seen. What a ripoff.

I haven’t watched CK but Schumer’s was embarrassingly bad. All recycled material.

But.....I didn’t click the link? The link is unnecessary to grasping this post, no?

It’s... it’s embroidered! Has EGR seen this? It’s so beautiful!

Haha, I didn’t even know about the Vulture piece but this is obviously satire.

But did you have the Spice Girls shoes?

19 years later. NINETEEN! And yet I too can still recite every word from Spice World.

G. Spice shouldn’t be lumped in with the others!

Also the ME’s office. I work in one and we have mass disaster training. Anything from something like this to natural disasters. An effort to expedite body identifications as much as possible. I hope we never have to put our training to use.

Police response to the events were in line with protocol for dealing with a hostage situation. A recently released report about the Pulse shooting takes this into consideration, noting that police protocol for situations like this should change, because terrorists are rarely wiling to negotiate.

I just emailed my local independent “artsy” theater to see if they had plans to screen it. I included a brief synopsis and a link to the site

Is there anything we can do to support this doc & the filmmaker?