John Smith

Trump supporters are busy grabbing cats.

-Michael Scott

Who is that and why should I care?

crossing a scorpion with a cabbage

I am extremely disappointed in you, Kotaku readers, for not bringing this Japanese Dragon Quest Builders commercial to my attention a year ago when it first aired.

Fixed it:

These patch notes are one of two things that EA does right. The other thing is actually patching the bugs at all.

KarmaKiller is in on the conspiracy, people! He’s one of them!

and for enabling and legitimizing Peter Thiel, an idiot ideologue with more money than God who is now clearly one of the most dangerous men alive.

Right? It’s a beacon of hope and understanding, and the reasoned and well-thought-out discussions of gender are second to none in the world.

I think the “EA is the worst.” thing is a bit worn out by now. For all intents and purposes they haven’t been that bad for some years now.

Another interesting-looking Final Fantasy game that sadly won’t be on PC (for a very long time, if ever at all) because Square-Enix continues to have a hate-boner for anything that isn’t a Playstation.

The dogs are real; the man is imaginary.

The mod’s portrayal of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is 100% accurate and thus it cannot be considered a parody.

Aaaaand you’re on a list.


Undead, actually. It died, someone bought the corpse, reanimated it, and are now forcing it to continue shitposting for the rest of eternity.