John Smith

Kotaku Article, As Written By Steam Reviews

You’re not the only one. It’s f***ing stupid.

Yeah, that’s a no from me dawg.

Fuck CBS.

I tried to force myself to read this word salad and checked out at “milquetoast”. I want to believe that there is an important message in this “article”, but I’ll never know because apparently the author is trying to win a f***ing high score in Scrabble or some sh*t.

I’m not crying. You’re crying.

How many Darth Vaders is it though?

Right? I’m just waiting for the flood of new memes based on it. Dis gon be gud.

Started out the article with the benefit of the doubt in mind, thinking “Maybe it was just coincidence, maybe he did just point out some similar things - that probably happens a lot when writing reviews”, until I got to this:

She’s just planking.

turn off the tap

I’m not crying. You’re crying.

I can forgive the game not being a Skyrim-esqe experience (because that’s a silly thing to expect), but:


Look, I love cleavage as much as the next guy (if not more), but what would otherwise be a pretty damn good cosplay of that character is just ruined by it.

Gawker’s boner can reportedly be seen from space.

I want to believe this article is anti-Amazon, but frankly it just sounds like it’s meant to have the opposite effect. As in “Oh, you despise Amazon? But what about ALL THESE THINGS YOU MIGHT LIKE?”


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