John Smith

<edit: posted in the wrong spot. whoops>

I know! The suspense is killing me.

Aaaand you’re now on a list.


SoundStage VR, a “music instrument sandbox built specifically for roomscale virtual reality,” has said that all SoundStage profits for the next day will be contributed to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

History sure does repeat itself today, doesn’t it...

Ugh, who cares? I hate when modders do this petty shit.

Read the title, immediately wanted to make a post disagreeing simply on the premise of the existence of shit-factory-games like No Man’s Sky, skimmed the article and saw that you included No Man’s Sky, got sad for you and gave up.

Look. “True or False” might not seem like Psychological Horror to you, but for other people it’s their own personal Vietnam.

Right? That show was the best. The episode with Busta Rhymes (“Flipmode”) was one of the greatest and most memorable moments in all of television.


Digital Homicide’s games were killed, you say? Oh the irony.


Now playing

Reminds me of the epic bit about Evel Knievel by Greg Proops:

So, basically, they turned Street Fighter into Tekken.


Florida is the primary reason why we have creepy things.

“It has made us rethink the whole Internet sharing thing.”

Do you really think adding yours to the list is going to make a difference?

Do you really think adding yours to the list is going to make a difference?

Why bother? Steam changed their review system to make any reviews by key-based purchasers worthless. I’d rather just wait for a steam sale and buy the game for about the same price and then I’d at least be able to leave my shitpost review of the game and know that other people will be able to see it.

Why bother? Steam changed their review system to make any reviews by key-based purchasers worthless. I’d rather just