John Smith

What happens when you search “Fearless commitment to journalistic integrity”?

Sometimes I like to imagine that he is just dying for someone to give him an easy out.

I maaaaay have read too quickly and not absorbed some key info....

“With artificial environments we can effortlessly gather precisely annotated data at a larger scale with a considerable amount of variation in lighting and climate settings”

Just out of curiosity, do most people here use steam reviews actively when making a decision to buy?

In the video above, you see a standard lithium ion battery (18650) like those found in a vape

Samsung could give a shit cares deeply about gullible consumers people and any deaths inconveniences caused by their malfunctioning interactive products. Should Samsung be notified by the authorities discover that their dangerous exciting products are definitely possibly the cause of someone’s gruesome death

I agree, and it’s why for the first time in my life I have a shred of respect for Ann Coulter.

You have it backwards; it’s having a soul that’s exhausting. Having no soul is the most freeing, joyous experience in the world.

Pretty much. The cell stage in Spore is the best part of the game. The tribal and city stages are also fun in their own way, but the galactic stage is just awful. The “Galactic Adventures” stuff in particular is absolutely cringeworthy.

and somehow finds an employer who doesn’t care

So there’s going to be a japanese actor playing Alex Louis Armstrong?

though I couldn’t actually find any real evidence as to why a flood would lead to a jetpack. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

git gud

Can’t wait for the films in a few hundred years where all the PC pirates are romanticised as living life on the edge and having codes of honour, all with terrible Westcountry accents.

Kotaku writers are just, once again, scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for things to post when there’s not enough going on that day. When they’re not simply cut-and-paste reposting months-old/years-old articles, they’re doing this.


Whether or not Eikre would drown in the bathtub, though, depends on whether or not he failed the saving throw.

Agreed. Unfortunately, this act of willful education of others will result in his summary execution by the brain slugs that run Gawker.