John Smith

I’ll have you know that scene haunted me as a younger lad and it continues to haunt me to this day. I don’t care what their intent was; that shit is heinous and horrifying.

Hey now. Gizmodo’s objection to Jill Stein’s stupidity is completely unbiased*.

Right? It reminds me of that bit by comedian Matt Kirshen where he talks about a lady who, upon marveling about how impressive it is that the giant metal tubes with wings we call planes are able to fly, follows up her statement by saying “I guess we’ll never know how”.

This doesn’t surprise me. During the final days of the Playstation 2 era, the game “Soul Nomad & The World Eaters” got a rating of “T” for Teen when it was OBVIOUSLY an M-rated game or higher (which is fine by me, because that game was f***ing awesome).

God damnit, Niantic, you had ONE job.

In November, we’ll either elect as President the first woman or the first Cheeto-American.

You most definitely are wrong about that. Donglord is just as much of a name for women as it is for men, and for any other genders for that matter.

This man asks the important questions.

But an even more perfecter name for your child is “Donglord”. The name is completely gender neutral, future-proof, popular, and will ensure that your child is the envy of everyone everywhere.

Right? I can only imagine that her boss’s exact thoughts that day were:

When are you guys going to divorce yourselves from the steaming pile of garbage that is known as “Gawker”?

Based on what they said below, it is safe to say that Alex Cranz is an idiot who knows nothing about technology.

Hey. Old Man. It’s 2016. Children are already running around with smartphones with microSD cards in them, in homes filled with smartphones, tablets, and other various SD and microSD cards.

in the hopes that your criminals are civil

I just find it odd that it takes the guy that long to come up with the “but whole” joke. I mean, did that guy never even watch Beavis and Butthead? They have an entire bit in that show with an English teacher trying to teach them how to speak and she says “but whole” and of course Beavis and Butthead both think she’s

The internet never fails to deliver.

Every Jolteon I ever get from now on in any Pokemon game will be named Donglord.

You are a boring person that I would not want to be around at any party. At least the Japanese know how to have a good time.

That or maybe she was just waiting for the good* songs to play, and playing Pokemon Go to pass the time while the crappy ones are playing.