John Smith

You want her to be trapped forever in an Ubisoft game? Wow, you are a sick bastard.


“Bad way to go”

“Sometimes stuff just happens that is totally out of your control.”

“Rigorous quality control is of paramount importance to us.” - Ubisoft

“when you play this game in the future”

“16. Driving while the wrong color.”

Dear Hawaii,

My thoughts: There are important things happening in the world, and this article’s story is not one of them.


I get the feeling that in the future any updates that anyone makes to any game ever will all be called “DLC” and cost money (or be “free”).

I love you. Take my upvote! Take all of our upvotes!

“Due to the type of game it was definately going to happen.”

And you continue to not understand how things work in the real world.

“Swamp gas and weather balloons”

What’s funny is your complete and utter lack of understanding of how copyright and trademark laws work in the real world.

I’ve heard a lot of people calling this game a scam for a long time now. Looks like they were right after all.

Knowing this game company and their penchant for putting extremely dark things into what is ironically marketed as a game for children, the “evolution” will just be the same monster only now it will be holding a machete in one hand and a severed Pikachu head in the other. That or instead of wearing the cloth outfit

“We need to battle with Pokemon named Trump, Hillary, and Bernie.”