Too Grey to Function

That if 3/4 or more of the staff is taking the day off - PTO or not, it’s visible to the management and customers of that business what kind of support the cause has.

We are Italian, my child will like pasta and gravy.

Damn zarpies always trying to get their silly made up holidays off.

Yeah I feel for any small business/franchise owner who found themselves understaffed. Screwing them over is soooooo missing the point.

So these people just...didn’t show up to work? Of course they got fired.

I Don’t Care Bar and Grill, the place my girlfriend always picks.

You mean in this particular case, or just in general?

Don’t get me started on Zarpies, man.

Sorry, had to post one more!


I agree. They should have went with Bernie.

Have you not read the comics? Maybe give it a go and get back to us. Edit: I just realised you heavily implied she isn’t a woman! Not sure the comics can help at this point...

What a racist thing to say. Sorry for being racist by saying that. And that. AND that.

First brain-bomb for Harley then!

Nah, he actually is a good director. There’s plenty to give him shit for, no need to make up falsities.

I actually saw Hacksaw Ridge this weekend and thought it was excellent, one of my favorites of the year actually and I thought the direction was great.

It’s probably written and edited using iPhones, while they are drinking coffee at a Park Avenue Starbucks.

Gibson has recently fallen out of favor with Hollywood, due to his racist, anti-Semitic rants and a drunk driving arrest. As a result, he fell out of favor for a while

Okay from this info I can see that they are likely to include more options than actually not showing up for work that day, but can someone explain to me the point of a single day strike? Isn’t the point of a strike that you continue to not work until your demands are met? I’m not trying to hate on it, I am just

“Okay, America! Everyone now has a job guarding the border! We’ve divided you into 3 shifts and you’ll receive your uniform and weapon by courier tomorrow!”