Too Grey to Function

I’m sure this will be a civil and productive discussion./s

Why do we need to argue semantics?

She didn’t bend over and kiss the ground Beyonce walks on? I’m surprised you guys published this!

progressives were so reactionary

Chick Fil-A can donate directly to the Nazi party, Black Panthers, La Raza, and any other hateful organization they wish, I’ll still eat their chicken because its really damn good.

South Park sez ‘yes’.

Sounds like she should’ve taken the opportunity to go on national TV and get her message out there.

I get your point, but why does it always have to turn into an attack on white women? Let’s look at the numbers here and switch it around and see how that feels. Black women made up 14% of female leads in the top 100 films. That means they were the lead in 4% (14% of 29%). Black women are 6% of the population, so

this is excellent thank you

That’s not fair: Mel knows what women want more than they know themselves...

And the women get way more lines!

Not if you count porn.

This is the sweetest backfire of all time. Obama changed the definition of deportation to include “turn away at the border.” Therefore he claimed he deported tons, while not doing that at all. Now Trump has cover to deport millions from this sacred patch of earth, and all Obama can do is organize his idiots to

The only thing that really matters are the hot takes of the white working class and the Progressives who jack off to memes about socialism

Under the Obama administration, expedited removal was used only within 100 miles of the border for people who had been in the country no more than 14 days. Now it will include those who have been in the country for up to two years, and located anywhere in the nation.

Just remember, this is Obama’s fault for making this easier and Hillary’s fault for being such a shrill bitch that no one likes.


I didnt understand the article so I watched the whole video. Now I feel like I was tricked into watching a music video for a song I dont like.

Stop saying “woke”.