Too Grey to Function

Homophobic is different than transphobic. Keep up.

This is all happening BECAUSE of the Cubs. Them winning the World Series signaled the start of the end of the world..

Any bills being proposed to make bathroom choice a law? Wouldn’t that override a directive from the executive branch?

Should have Berned them.

Aren’t there good ones and bad ones in every group?

At the same time, I can’t imagine billionaire is a bad way.

What bills have congressmen put forward to make bathroom choice law? I found plenty attempting to restrict that choice to birth sex or something like that but I haven’t seen any that would make the choice to pick your bathroom a law.

Don’t trust a state it’s hard to get a drink.

The funny part is that “feminists” did it to themselves.

The claws come out. Shots fired!

Good for you! More waffle fries for me!

I hear she also likes tacos and burritos. Can anyone confirm?

I think you’re serious. I also think you’re being a drama llama.

How does not liking fat people make me Locomotive Jones? Also, who’s Locomotive Jones?


I can’t stand fat people.

Shut up. This, like everything, is the men’s fault.

His paycheck is legit. If you told me I’d get paid to be on national tv and ask stupid people questions I’d do it.

What had happened was...He’s an actor.....He was playing a protest organizer.

You’re sounding very trollphobic. Please check your bias and reflect.