Too Grey to Function

Awww.....did somebody get butthurt and dismiss my comment???

You could always not read his comments. Wouldn’t that take less effort than you’re expending now? They are just comments. Not worth getting butthurt over.

Now playing

You might find yourself in an intergation room soon.

Yup...There’s always something to bitch about.

Boom! Roasted.

Now playing

The the apocalyptic comments remind me of this scene from The Boondock Saints. It’s all facade to get white people to buy Coke.

Then the process works. I’ve been able to resist the urge to push play so far. Not sure how long that will last though.

Then you should know how easy it is to get a day off. Also, why? Are you the owner or is it a family thing?

Sounds like you never worked in a restaurant. Most make the schedules a week or 2 at a time. All you have to do to get a day off is tell the manager a few weeks ahead of time. You don’t get paid but you get the day off. Try harder next time sweetheart.

This event was planned in advance. Should have been plenty of time to request PTO.


Sick burn!

Wouldn’t do? Or was sick? On a planed vacation? Had a previous engagement they asked time off for?

So, is there any tread left on the tires? Or at this point would it be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway?

Anybody else see Deadpool? Pretty good movie.

Ummm....Hello.....It’s called Hidden Fences.

You’re fun.

And the Democrats stuck with Hilldog.....If your candidate doesn’t meet the basic requirements why advance her? Any hope of victory would be delusional. Seems idiotic.