Too Grey to Function

1)At least 35 years old. 2)Lived within the U.S. at least 14 years. 3)Be a natural born citizen.

Great comment! I almost forgot everything is caused by racism. Thank you. Thanks. Thanks for that.

O.J.’s in the Hall.

Minor blogs have editors?

I appreciate you are almost certainly refereeing to our current commander in chief. However, you do realize you are also implying Obama is a racist misogynist as he recently held the same job?

Which filmmakers are more deserving? AND why?

You’re still in the Matrix. There is no escape. Some are just in a Matrix where they think they have escaped the Matrix.

Because everything is racist.

Any nudity?

Hump Day!

dam sandwich? I think they could have used 1 of those in Cali.

Could we start using an automatic gallows? Done right hanging breaks the neck instantly.

Cool. I hurt my should recently and can’t draw my compound bow right now so a crossbow is perfect. Can I also bring my baseball bat? It’s called the War Club. I can bring lacrosse pads for protection too.

Hold on. What kind of weapon?

Yeah, deporting people and maintaining the infrastructure to support deportations creates jobs. Duh!

Because boners. Deal with it.

Why are the pictures bad?

I offered excellent advice on a good helmet that would not only protect but also look cool.

I had Spiderman and Batman action figures growing up. So I was good.