Too Grey to Function

well her boobs ARE nice

I thought race was a social construct.

I thought race was a social construct.

is she?

That stuff is shit, use real maple syrup

How is this show still on television?


I would like everyone to remember that Chelsea Manning, despite the commutation of her lawfully served sentence, is still a convicted felon who petulantly released a cascade of highly sensitive material at the height of wartime operations. This is not an individual that deserves much in the way of sympathy, and had

In case anyone is ever tempted to think Republicans are stupider than Democrats, everyone please remember this comment.

Just a reminder to everyone here that NONE of the activity described in the above article has anything to do with “Free Speech” since we ALL KNOW that the only thing that constitutes a violation of “Free Speech” is the “federal government literally physically arresting you to prevent you from expressing yourself”.

Israel is committing genocide.

Yeah, it is also as old hat as firing rockets into civilian population centers then when Israel responds, screaming look at these bad people who attack civilians!

You mean Sauget?

Male or female?

You’re in a thread where people think only white people carry concealed weapons and that “drug dealers make the best neighbors,” so I don’t think the fact that you live in the real world is going to go over well.

Great article, but the overly alarmist headline and lede image do it a disservice. Clearly, it’s a big deal and probably does make our world less safe, but using words and images that exaggerate how bad this actually is is counterproductive.

It doesn’t make it any less racist, true, but you’re painting a broad brush by saying it was in StL burbs. There is definitely still racism there (institutionalized, and it is still pretty segregated), but no way would kids in those school systems (Webster, Clayton, Kirkwood, U-City) show up in confederate

Roll ‘em up

I can’t believe you believe the letter. St. Louis has been a black city for decades: it ain’t white people fucking it up.

A progressive in California, and you write that it might have hurt her poltically to stand with BLM? How can you write that? That has got to be one of the most absurd things I have read on here.