
Before anyone gets all up in arms, you need to understand that the rules are different in different places. So when you record a conversation in one state, you need the consent of both parties, but in others you only need the consent of one party. Down in SEC and ACC country, they have a one-party consent rule for

Can I just say, and stop me here if I’m way off base, it looks to me like you just posted this comment on this article. Is that right?

Not much. If you stream without express, written approval from BAMTech, your account will be closed and you (and anyone else on your IP) will be banned for life. Shouldn’t have much of an impact.

I don’t think anyone is saying the owners aren’t giving the players as a whole enough, though. And giving them more wouldn’t fix the issue, because the minimum guys would still be worth next to nothing, below the minimum, no matter how big the player’s portion is because they are so replaceable.

Minimum salary stuff is entirely a matter between the players. The players as a whole get a fixed share of the league profits. So any additional money given to the minimum players comes out of the pockets of other players, not the owners.

For the most part, those guys on minimum salaries are not driving any profit for the league. There are a ton of guys who could provide end of the roster level performance. Those guys are fungible. If there wasn’t a minimum salary, they would mostly be making even less than they currently do, so the CBA is already

Aside from that one play, this seemed pretty realistic.

You missed the point. Maybe try reading it again?

What’s that little dot that just flew over your head?

The turtle won.

Very small orphans will be used to manually work the crankshaft in the rocket engine.

no one purposely inflicted pain and suffering upon me

It’s funny how I got to the same result as you coming from the exact opposite premises. I am not sensitive about the Elena Ferrante story. I am not sensitive about how others feel about her work, which I have not found profoundly moving, and I not am sensitive about her right to use a pseudonym throughout her career.

Stop being so lazy and do your own research:

Why does this site keep putting up fantasy football articles? No one cares about your team. And don’t try to pretend this isn’t a fantasy football article. The only people who would worry about Watkins being hurt are people with Watkins on their fantasy football team and Bills fans, and everyone knows Bills fans

I have the old model and it is pretty darn fast. I wouldn’t think it could do any of the stuff it does significantly faster. It’s not that hard to display menus and stream video.

I have the old model and it is pretty darn fast. I wouldn’t think it could do any of the stuff it does

I’m 33 and you think I’ve never had the flu? It’s the flu not cancer. It’s aches and fever, etc. It’s an inconvenience but i‘m not a wimp. If your flu symtpoms last more than a few days you have underlying health or diet issues.

Even the worst flu I’ve had lasted only a few days, which I can tolerate.

You sound like someone who has not gotten the flu and doesn’t really know what the flu is. I got the real flu while in my mid 20s and in perfect health, and it was terrible. When you get a cold and feel bad for a couple days but tough your way through it with some medication, that is not the flu. The flu is in the