
I think its because ( And I never-ever thought I would say this ) he is comparatively “decent” compared to the orange flaming piece of human excrement that became the next Republican president. I thought Bush was the absolute worst president we ever had. Then Trump came along and said hold my beer.

They won’t. I’m assuming he is from one of the buttfuck parts of Texas and those kinds of areas always vote for the worst pieces of shit.

After the introduction of the new Tacoma I suspect I will be just as disappointed. It’ll probably come with a smaller engine that gets just 1-2 MPG better economy, will be even larger and more inflated and have sort of “Meh” styling. I say this because my parents were visiting a few weeks ago and me and Dad went to go

ROFL- then you are seriously about the only person I know who has a BMW that wasn’t a flaming piece of donkey poo. My neighbor is ALWAYS working on his. A former co-worker had a 5 series that was also always in the shop. One time for a failed headlight ECU that cost over $1500 to replace. Another person I knew with

Yeah but your BMW is also going to have exactly 200 different electrical and fiddly mechanical problems because like most German cars they are unnecessarily overly-complicated, difficult to service and expensive to maintain. What good is the fit and finish when the car built around it is a piece of shit? 

The Subaru is just fine. So there is no Problem and I don’t really need your shwarmy remarks

My boss as well as my former boss both own Hyundais and both of them now use more than a quart of oil between fillups. So its bad. REALLY bad. And Hyundai is denying anything is wrong and refuses to fix them.


Oh look. How quaint. Another fat, white billionaire who has opinions.

Exactly. In fact the Mach E has some VERY serious and basic problems with the controller units inside the battery packs: Turns out they overheat on rapid charging stations requiring a complete teardown. So basically from the get go the cars were delivered with undersized components. That’s more than some poorly

Guess you didn’t read the whole thing did yuh?

Nope. I’m correct. And I hope that makes you angry at that fact.

Cracks forming in New Silverado is also not a small first-year engineering flaw. Same as with Ford Bronco engines grenading within miles from the dealership lots. See my previous initial response. Tesla is not an outlier for this kind of crap.

And again- this is NOT a Tesla-specific thing. I guess you’re forgetting about how when GM released a new version of the Silverado a few years ago people were finding cracks in the roof seams. Or that Ford Bronco roofs were blowing off. Or again with the Broncos- detonating their engines almost as soon as they left

Surprise Surprise... everyone predictably piled on when I dared to state something that doesn’t go along with the popular narrative. How very original of you guys.

Well hey- at least I don’t have a stupid ass name like Hajicek which in Norwegian translates to : “ I have a small penis”.

My friend bought a 2023 Model Y. We own a Subaru Crosstrek. To be honest I feel the fit and finish of his car was the same as the Subaru. 

This is really not a Tesla-Only thing. Anytime a company introduces an entirely new model there will be first-year quality control issues. Yes- that goes for Toyota too: The latest model Tundra had issues with timing chains detonating and the new Tacoma was recently featured on a Youtube video where the differential

30,000 mile oil change intervals?! Did I read that right? Granted BMWs have a sort of notorious reputation for being overly fussy and complicated and thus more prone to issues. But 30,000 miles is a ridiculous, long interval. I have two vehicles: a 1996 Toyota Tacoma truck and a 2023 Subaru Crosstrek. I change the oil

This is new enough to have the updated DEF exhaust system. As such that is a hard no for me. The problem that these newer diesels present is that unless all of your driving is on the freeway at decent speeds then the intake and EGR will get clogged with carbon deposits. My MIL has a Chevy Cruz diesel that she uses to