
On one hand, I want him to suffer.  Hard.  On the other, I just want him gone.  He’s a fucking disaster whose work will already take decades to recover from.  I cannot imagine the damage he would do with even one more day in power.

They use literal slaves in the manufacturing of their EVs. You don’t think that’s a problem? Not buying a car because slaves built it is not the same as not buying a Japanese car because you fought a war against them. 

Dude, have a better than 3rd grade understanding of geopolitics and you wont get bored. This discussion is clearly over your comprehension level. 

Not really.

Coming soon to an insurrection near you.

Needs a Lift Kit, Diesel Exhaust delete, Excessively large exhaust tip, brighter headlights and a Bro hat. 

Well, Mr. Ambassador and those you represent, there’s that whole issue with the Chinese Communist Party being willing to shut down Earth’s economy over the chance to invade their neighbor.

What they’ve “won” is an extremely compromised environment, hazardous air and water, the destruction of entire, vast communities in the rush to urbanize/mechanize the workforce, and a populace with such a dramatic decrease to its birthrate that it won’t be long before it faces fundamental existential crises on multiple

I would certainly not trade places. The main reason China “ works” is because the entire population is kept under an iron-like grip of the CCP which constantly monitors its citizens 24/7 and any and all forms of dissidence is immediately squashed. Freedom of the press is non-existent. Most ethnic minorities have

Yes, everyone was sad that a racist, sexist, reality-TV clown got as many votes as he did - it says a lot about the state of this country and its educational system.

The Democrats are shit and betray their base over and over again, but that’s still a thousand times better than what the Republicans do.

Uh, no - we are not the ones trying to overthrow the election, first at the state level and then by rioting at the capitol. Stop pretending that brownshirt scumbags are somehow equivalent to people asking that we try to remain a democracy.

You’re so fucking enlightened, oh Grand Poobah.  Lazy ass “the media is the problem” argument.  Do me a favor - the next time you feel it necessary to post your inane opinion on the internet, instead go out to your vehicle, turn it on, and suck on the exhaust pipe until you get sleepy.  

Neutral: I’m doing great today. I just got back from my week-long vacation, and I had a great time.

In all seriousness this Pandemic is being politicized and I’m not okay with it.

That specific mural played no part in our nation's history. It’s a painting on the wall of the garage of a weird, wealthy man. Do you think flags are literally our country and that destroying one causes physical pain to service members? Say it with me now: SYMBOLS HAVE NO INDEPENDENT EXISTENCE THAT MUST BE RESPECTED. 

1 - population density, I have no idea how the numbers look on a per capita basis - but I do agree that the state is in a bad spot right now

I understand wanting to see your folks, but air travel at this time is no joke. There are doctors who have studied and treated patients with everything from ebola to SARS that have caught COVID from air travel. They said even wearing masks and wiping down like they would for other diseases didn’t work because they got

What the actual fuck am I looking at!? It’s like a rejected wax figure from Madame Tussauds that hasn't been melted yet because it broke the furnace.  Twice.

That kinda reminds me of the time(s) that my family would go to Kinzua state park in PA, to the famous bridge that held the world record of tallest railroad bridge for two years.