
Post all of the ridiculous crap about Trump and Vance all day long. We’re doomed anyway. 50% of the country is fucking dumb as dog shit and will vote for them anyway. 

Both my former and current boss have Hyundais and both of them use over a quart of oil between fillups. They have been run through the wringer with Hyundai. And my former boss owns one of their models that is NOT part of a recall. And yet stories are filled with people just like him, with a car that is almost useless

I see shit like this and the message it gives me is that Toyota, Ford, and others who have backed down from their stances over LGBT rights cares about getting the business from a select few bigots. Way to go.

As far as Toyota sales... Purely anecdotal... I saw a BRAND NEW Tacoma, broken down on the side of the freeway

This would also never pass smog. And seeing this is in California... good luck.

Wait... its been sinking since MAY?! 4 months to do something about it and nothing was done? 

I don’t get people who are already worth millions who cheat on stuff like their taxes. 

Wow. This model, year, color, and interior are exactly the same as the car that was used in our driver’s ed class. Even as a 16 year old kid the car seemed REALLY cheap. The rear speakers were covered with cheap fabric in the rear ( I was really into car audio ) and rattled. I know because the teacher didn’t care so

I feel that what you mentioned above is where companies, even Tesla- are failing at getting more details about how to live with these cars and what the realities of charging has and is becoming. We had a Chevy Volt for years and so I felt that I knew a thing or two about them. Last year we flew to LA and we rented a

I am still utterly baffled that GM fucked over Saturn so bad. Its especially bad because when Saturn first came out, the marketing that went into it was pretty ingenious. Keep in mind this was in the late 80s, early 90's before people had as easy of a time researching things online but anyway, I’m old enough to

Rich people just loooooove their lakefront properties.  My parents live in rural Tennessee and there are a number of manmade lakes and dams nearby. It was reasonably affordable until 10 years ago. Now its just as much as it costs in California. To live near a “lake” that gets drained down pretty regularly.

So, we did not in fact “conclude” anything. That’s you wanting me so very desperately wanting me to somehow acknowledge your ridiculous claim that you heard from XXX faulty media resource.
So pray how about you tell us all what Trump’s healthcare plan actually is. Or beyond going after immigrants what is plan is at

First of all, I’m not your “bro”. Second,  Cheeto Mussolini is the one ranting about immigrants and dipshits like you fall for it since he and the GOP have no actual plans. Just to get your panties in a wad so that you’ll vote for them so that they can continue to get paid lots of money for doing absolutely nothing

Might not take decades to recover. A majority of Americans are ready to move on and along. A shrinking minority want to somehow turn the US into a authoritarian shithole. Again- the MINORITY. I Trump loses- which I think is a very good possibility- maybe the GOP will get the message ( probably not) but the message

No. The only reason Trump is at ALL relevant is due to total dipshits such as yourself who think he’s anything other than what he is. And you dumfucks who fall for his non-stop ranting about immigrants are from a guttural level no different than those from the past who instead of looking at actual issues are instead

I just wish the fucker would die already. Heart attack, stage 5 cancer, whatever. He is a sore on America’s ass. And it absolutely blows me away that somehow the race is close? What in the flying fuck is wrong with people? He is the BEST you can do? And its not just him but all of the other crazy people working for

Strictly my opinion but the car is sort of ugly looking. ND.

Yeah no shit. Same for me. I am also going to assume the plane is DONE. As in, probably a total writeoff.

Whoever buys this is a total dipshit. 

Exactly. Sell off, cheapen, and layoff your company’s way to doom so that you can show cost savings to the market. 

Maybe its because I am in a bad mood today. Maybe its because I am now a middle aged male. I am not at company number 9 in my career. I spent well over two decades in the tech industry and now work at an older established financial firm. If I could retire today I would. None of the companies I worked for really care