
Pretty fucking sad. This place is a shadow of what it once was. 

Sorry. Its pretty fucking ugly.

Obviously China. Tell your friends.

Me neither which is why I’m glad I don’t live in China.

This has to be the most cursed car company in history. This is now the SECOND time they have ultimately failed and the second time you can buy one of their cars and potentially be dead in the water with no means to fix them. I saw one of these the other day and almost felt sorry for them.

3rd gear:
Yeah right. Maybe if China wasn’t constantly hacking everyone, stealing IP data, copying other people’s work, lying about anything and everything they would have at least a teeny amount of sympathy. Fuck em’. 

Can we... just ship all of these dipshits off to an island somewhere in the middle of the ocean so that the rest of us can go on with our lives without this non-stop bullshit?

We need to update the basic requirements for running for office. The GOP is seemingly now filled with people who didn’t graduate from elementary school. 

Thats sort of what I do too. The airports are NASTY. So I wear a mask in those places. But when the airplane starts up and the air starts circulating I feel a little better about taking it off.

I know of people who fucked around and found out during the peak of the pandemic. A friend of mine had some cousins in Kentucky. Class-A Trumpsters who reliably believed everything coming on Fox news and of course were not vaccinated, refused to get vaccinated, refused to mask up. And then the Delta variant came.

Seeing as how cargo ships are now so much larger than they were back when bridges like these were constructed I think it would be a good idea to construct protective concrete extensions that protrude out and away from the supporting pillars. That way if a ship loses power it’ll hit that instead. And secondly, I find

Yeah, it looks pretty fucking big. As in- it looks like the size of the Bay Bridge over here in Oakland/ San Francisco

Explain how this could actually work though. Who comes up with the money that gets paid to the property owners? Do you live in or near Oakland? I do. And the city can barely afford to keep the lights on and clearly the public isn’t pitching in. The best idea they’ve had so far is that they turned a bunch of parking

Yeah. That area is REAL bad. People with cars full of luggage will pull up and immediately get robbed. My parents flew in recently and I told to stay away from that area too

That makes a lot of sense. There are bars and restaurants that me and some of my friends had been going to for 20+ years that have all closed within the last year or so. Downtown seems to be reverting back to what it looked like when I first moved to the area with lots of empty store fronts and boarded up windows. 

That seems like an overly simplistic and unrealistic solution. Do you really think people who own Airbnbs, holiday homes and whatnot are going to up and let random “Unhoused” people stay on their property? No. Of course they wouldn’t. The problem is that not only is the Bay Area one of the most densely populated

Sure. Unhoused. Its a major problem. The city does not have the capability of helping or dealing with such an enormous quantity of people and the situation in turn leads to both unsafe and unsanitary living conditions. These encampments catch fire on a regular basis.

I live in the Bay Area. Its REALLY sad what has been happening in Oakland. I moved here 20+ years ago and Oakland was super scary even in the middle of the day. And then it slowly started to get cleaned up. It was actually pretty nice. Ever since the pandemic hit its just gone straight downhill. The abandoned cars is

I’m tired of these already and they aren’t even here yet. VW has been showing retro versions of this thing or 25+ years. 

We rented one of these in Hawaii when they were new. For whatever reason it was one of the least enjoyable cars I’ve ever driven. It was very difficult to see out of. And it handled sort of wonky too.