
How fucking pathetic on so many levels. Its outright pathetic that somehow that fat fuck is yet again running for president. Its pathetic that millions of Americans still support and will vote for him. Its pathetic how batshit insane the Republican party has become- and I say that as someone who is not exactly

I don’t think that would be a very long fight. Trump would probably fall over from a heart attack after the first punch.

1st gear. Ouch. Not a very good look when on the same day they are going to reveal a new vehicle.

Sorry but its an ugly looking car. 

I saw that too. Look at the comments section on Youtube and Facebook. Its filled with people losing their shit complete with the typical “ Woke” comments. Hilarious. “That car is WOKE!” I mean personally I think the car is very cool. But they are going to need to win over some brand new customers because a lot of

Toyota seatbealts. Both the 1988 Celica I owned in HS and the 1996 Tacoma I bought after and still own have the same issue: When they got older the seat belts don’t retract very easily. 

This has got to be the most boomer of boomer cars ever featured on this site. Its in Phoenix too- a place boomers love to retire to. I’d bet hard cash the owner probably wears one of those tacky Hawaiian shirts with old cars on it, loves Jimmy Buffet, and all other things that boomer dudes stereotypically do.

2nd gear:
Maybe literally the only thing a Republican has suggested in the past 5-6 years that I actually agree with. The CCP’s plans when it comes to EVs is to subsidize the shit out of these cars so that they are so cheap that the desired end goal is to drive whatever domestic automakers in any country they enter out

All of that makes sense. But at the same time its killing this site. I work as a creative director / graphic and user interface designer and one sure-fire way to make a news/journalism site look “dead” is go all-in on stodgy stock imagery. I find it amazing that the site you now work for looks more like what THIS

This site is on life support and it shows. Almost all stories now have zero graphics, use stock photography, have increasingly shorter and have lack of details and often are “stories” like these. But don’t blame the staff. I assume their budgets have been cut to the bone.

I’m also sure that the 100's of 1000's of tech workers who’ve been recently laid off- the very demographic that tends to buy EVs as well as take spins on new brands isn’t helping either Rivian or Lucid either.

Why would you buy this when a Chevy Bolt is about the same cost with twice the range?

This is stupid. As in it would be the equivalent of when gas powered cars replaced horse and buggies and the cars made horsey noises.

Ah here we go! I knew it! Bet you’re super happy that the Russian government hasn’t decided to turn you into frontline cannon fodder in the Ukraine. Maybe we can do something about that.... To any of the bosses managing this guy- he sucks! He isn’t convincing me that Russia and its president isn’t anything other than

Wrong. Its a Russian engine made by a tractor company called NAMI ( Russian abbreviation for “ Tractor Research Institution” supposedly with “ Help” from Porsche. The very few things I’ve ever seen from Russia are totally hot garbage.

And whats my daily driver? A Toyota Tacoma, which is exactly 200% better and more

Also going to guess that the build quality is also a total joke. 

Yeah right. We all know that “ Starting prices” means the dealer will order exactly one model at that price, order nothing but the expensive versions otherwise. They will mark upthe shit out of these things.

If the engine compartment didn’t look like it was painted with rattle cans then maybe. But at the end of the day its a Fiat, meaning you’ll be wrenching more than driving and at this price I would expect immaculate showroom quality- which this certainly is not.

Ah yes. The Sebring. Brings to mind the dumbest thing that happened to me and some friends of mine who decided to take a trip to Vegas. Me and a few others had just moved to California the year before. And 9/11 happened. For awhile Vegas was dirt-cheap. $20 plane rides, $10 rooms, $5 all-you-can-eat Buffets ( At

Well in the US during the 80's and 90's we had some GOD AWFUL underpowered cars and trucks. My brother had a 1993 Ford Ranger ( small truck ) that had maybe 90 horsepower. It was so fucking slow. The worst one I recall was a friend had a weird 1985 Isuzu Pup that had a tiny 45 hP diesel engine. That thing was scary