
That thing is super nice. The front looks like its sagging but maybe its the angle of the photo. I know nothing about reliability or expense of keeping these running. 

Absolutely. When I was a teenager most of the economy cars and beaters we drove maybe had 75 horsepower. I remember the day I bought my 1996 Tacoma ( Still own it ) and mashed the gas pedal it felt like going into warp speed since it has a smokin’ 135 Horsepower. 

Here’s how it will actually go:

1: It won’t come out in 2026. Instead it will get repeatedly delayed.
2: It will cost more than $40,000
3: Its range will not be anywhere close to what was advertised
4: When it does finally come out a year or so late it will be found to have tons and tons of really annoying problems.

I definitely like having a few beers every once in awhile and sometimes that leads to me getting drunk. But I will NEVER get behind the wheel of a car when either drinking or even barely, barely buzzed. Youtube is littered 1000's of videos of people who are close to having alcohol poisoning and yet behind the wheel of

I recently rented a Kia Niro. I think this is the first time I’ve ever driven a newer Kia. The builds was pretty awful. It was like driving a toy. And it cost over $36,000. Unless the Genesis brand is SIGNIFIGANTLY better in build quality.... no thanks.

Yeah, That’s fair. 

These things are hilarious. As in- you can change the music in grocery stores, turn TVs on and off and so on. And yes- you can use these to open remote locks on cars.

Maybe I’m biased. But I own a 1996 Tacoma with the same engine and drivetrain. Mine is closing in on 300,000 miles. I admit I am pretty OCD about maintenance and change the oil every 3,000 miles. That aside I have owned this since it was new meaning in 2 more years I will have been driving it for 30 years.

I have not

There is a distinct difference from those JD Power reports and long term reliability reports. JD’s reports focus mostly on initial quality. As in what is the vehicle like when it rolls off the assembly line versus how it holds up in a 5,10,15,20 year time frame. I have absolutely no doubt that not many Alphas will be

That’s not what I read. Journalists were having serious problems with these from almost the moment they left the parking lots. Its interesting that so many are coming here to defend these when the proof is in their sales: Nobody is buying these because they are in fact pieces of crap. And trading in a basically new

I looked. At the very best? SOME of their models are getting mediocre marks in terms of reliability. Most of their models appear to be getting the equivalent of a “ D”. So not really what I would call a stellar standing.

I went and looked. Yes- they had real, legitimate and often inexcusably bad issues with these cars. Many with major problems that required the cars to be sent to the shop at less than 10,000 miles. Sorry, but if I’m going to blow 10's of 1000's of dollars on a car, I’m not going to make myself into a guinea pig and

Didn’t these get horrible reviews when they came out? As in- the auto journalists had them break down on them? Anyway, no way I’d pay anything close to 20k for an unreliable car. 

My usual automatic reaction to any used German car is ND. But from what I see here it looks like whoever owned this took really nice care of it. And its a reasonable price. NP for me.

As others have said: Good.
We live in a generally quite and docile neighborhood outside of Oakland and recently some of the sideshow shit has made it over here. Its one thing to have these. If all that happened was a bunch of people showed up with cars and then left I’d maybe be more ok with it. But each time they come

Does it matter? It is what is and it saves a lot of frustration to simply call it for what it is. Its a cult. Its just that we Americans have this sort of superiority complex and assume that things like this can’t happen here. But yet here we are. Its then makes it so much easier to figure out why such an obviously

Here is the BIGGEST issue that I’ve read about when it comes to Chinese cars. Parts availability. I’ve read accounts of people who own these in Europe, Australia etc and in some cases its MONTHS before they finally get whatever parts were needed to fix them. And even then, the quality of the parts is all over the

If the heater core is leaking then I would absolutely look up what the replacement procedure is. On many cars its a fucking nightmare job that requires removing the dash just to get at it. If that is the case then at the very least I’d be asking the prices to be knocked down at least $1,000 because its going to cost

Literally the only reason I still come here as well. This site is a small shadow of itself with almost all of the old writers either elsewhere or at the site that Jalopnik should have turned into- The Autopian.

I hope I’m right but I think they’ve also shot themselves in the foot by choosing Trump ( again ). He is sounding more and more insane by the day. That and the whole losing their shit over Taylor Swift. Then I saw that something like 60% of all US women are saying they’ll vote for Biden. No wonder. They KNOW their