
Let’s just call this for what it is. This is the only thing the GOP has now. They have no plans. They have no real issues that they can run a campaign on. Instead they have “ The border” which they know their base will ALWAYS and reliably get all fucking paranoid about. 

ha ha ha ha!!!!!

Good for them. I hope it works out. But.... the whole reason there’s a shit ton of factories in the south is because the labor is cheap, there’s no unions and local governments will look the other way. As soon as any of those “Advantages” are gone those companies will simply move it all to the next cheap place:

None of these stupid fuckers would last even ONE DAY in any of the countries these people are fleeing.

In fact it would be interesting and curious to see what would happen if instead of waking up in their bucolic rural communities that instead they woke up in a drug lord controlled country where on a daily basis they

I guess I’m just bitter about it. A lot of glitz and glamour is placed on the tech industry. After being in it for 2 decades its anything but that. Take away the free or discounted food and whatever touchy-feely stuff and its just another drag of a job. Except its worse. I had NINE different jobs in that time period.

I spent 22 years in the tech industry and no- people do not in fact learn anything. When I was younger I worked at two startups and within a few weeks it was clear to me that the founders had not really worked out the whole moneymaking part of the business at all. Needless to say both of them failed.  And its still

Yep. A 20 ton piece of the Titanic was brought up 25 years ago.


Guess they would be for a completely different kind of person versus the US. You would have to be really loaded to buy and have one of these converted in either of those countries. It’d be cheaper to fly to the US, buy one and ship it back in a shipping container.

The Brodozer thing is definitely happening outside the US. There are a lot of Youtube vids of the growing number of full sized American trucks in places like Denmark, Germany, the UK, and Australia. At least Australia makes some sense. But they are NOT cheap. An F-150 in Australia starts at over $100,000. 

When we bought our Subaru it “Came” with some sort of supposed paint protection application and was $800. As far as I can tell it was basically car wax. Total bullshit.

What in the hell is happening to this site? I feel like its on life support. Did Nice price or no Dice just disappear? Our avatars got deleted. And a lot of stories now verge on pure click bait. Depressing.

A lot of these guys wind up dead or seriously injured. I stopped riding after too many close calls with cars that simply did not see me. But when I did ride the amount of other riders doing really stupid shit was constant. On my commutes there was more than once when there was a fatal accident from some guy who had

Jesus. If he had wrecked he would have been turned into a red mist. How incredibly dangerous.

This seems to be a pattern with NASA these days and whatever they stick on Mars: 90 day life expectancies but instead getting years out of each thing. Pretty amazing given the harsh environments.

It looks like yet another “Truck” with an utterly useless 3 or 4 foot bed. What is up with that? It totally defeats the purpose of having a truck. I was in LA last week and my wife was at an event. I was bored so I walked around and came upon a Ford dealership. They had a lot of Mavericks. I’ve never looked at one up

We bought the “ Sport” version, which has the 2.5 liter engine. The base was simply a tad too slow.

I was driving around there last week. I live near Oakland which has its own level of insane drivers. People were driving like batshit crazy people down there. I was pulling onto a freeway and we were all doing close to 65MPH and the 2 lanes had merged into one. That didn’t stop some dude passing us on the curb and

I’m not surprised. We’ve taken our Crosstrek places you would never think a small car would ever go. 

Chinese automakers have already made it to the EU and some of their cars are winning awards. So what if its the other way around? What if in fact these are actually good cars?