It looks like a bar of soap on wheels. Fucking hideous looking.
It looks like a bar of soap on wheels. Fucking hideous looking.
Cars like these are important. Not everyone can afford to spend $35-$50K on a vehicle. But if you’re going to offer something cheap at least make it not feel cheap. Get more than what you would expect. Not that this is a good comparison but a few years ago my brother and I went to see our parents. We rented a Chevy…
That interior is super depressing. BTW- did all of our avatars get nuked?
Using the Titanic as a reference is sort of meaningless. In 1912 the Titanic was huge. But at 45,000 tons it is comparatively small compared to any cruise ship made in the last 35-40 years.
Why? Because they make cars and trucks that run forever without issues. I still own the 28 year old Tacoma I bought new my Sr year of high school. All that we have owned in my family never had any issues and run for 250,000-300,000+ miles easily.
Nope. And I don’t own an EV either. ( Buzzer sound ) Try again!
I love Toyota. But they are constantly dragging their feet on this while at the same time the Chinese automakers are quietly taking over. German automakers are suffering due to the rampant growth of Chinese brands being brought over to Europe. The BYD Dolphin just got “Budge car of the year” in the UK. They are all…
I hate Elon. But this weekend fully showed me why they have done as well as they have. We took a weekend trip and for kicks I decided to rent a Kia Niro EV. Really cool little car. A modest 250 mile range. I will admit I did no research on where and how to charge it.
Well, as it turned out it there were no level 3…
Probably. But then again even the most rare of muscle cars or even actual exotic cars today doesn’t sell for what this thing is asking. If I were to see this on the freeway it would only be because it happened to pass me and I saw it. It looks like any number of other fart can cars I see driving around Oakland.
I can think of literally 1000's of other cars that I would pay that kind of money for over what looks like a glorified fart-can-mobile.
I wish more automakers would consider more PHEVs. I say that because I really don’t trust the quality or reliability of most of the Stellantis lineup these days. They’re also pretty late to the game with most other autoamakers already offering numerous EV models. Guess better late than never.
I just looked up the truck mentioned in the article and the max range is 230 miles. That means there is no way these could be used as a long haul truck. For local stuff sure.
How big can these fucking things get? This thing is over 250,000 tons. Or two and a half Gerald Ford class carriers. Or 6 Titanics.
And despite what the article claims these ships do not do well in rough weather. They are indeed VERY top heavy and if caught in a tropical storm or hurricane will rock badly. And if the…
Yes. I have a question. Did Toyota have an internal competition to see which one of their designers could come up with the most dull and lifeless looking vehicle? Because if so then give that designer a cigar...
Love is in the air....
Why that would have to be the truck I still own and bought brand-new off the dealer lot in 1996. Its my 2Wd, 4-banger, small version of the Tacoma. Bench seat, crank windows, manual locks, 5 speed manual. Its tiny. As in makes the new Ford Mavericks look huge. I’m 5 ft 7" so it fits me like a glove. It has a 6 foot…
I’m not sure. Guess I’ll find out!
I rented one intentionally because my wife got a new job that requires driving to the office 5 days a week which would be 400 miles every single week. That means the cost of gassing up and maintaining the Subaru has suddenly gotten a LOT higher. Bolts are cheap. She would be able to use the HOV lane for free and save…
That must explain why I was able to rent a Chevy Bolt for next week for $30 a day. All I’m doing is driving from the airport to a hotel and then to a conference and back. Probably less than 100 miles for the whole trip. So I not only saved on rent but gas.
People are such fucking idiots...