Yep. I live around Oakland. 880 from Oakland to Union city is a total shit show
Yep. I live around Oakland. 880 from Oakland to Union city is a total shit show
Oh I can see why if what I am experiencing is being seen by others. I work from home so I don’t get on the freeway as much anymore. Prior to the pandemic I commuted every single day. Back then maybe every few days I’d see some moron doing 100MPH or driving like a maniac. But now? I can’t think of the last time I went…
I spent a few minutes and had to turn it off. WTF did I just watch? Its to me just further proof that humans, as a species, are really flawed. We have not really moved that far beyond our primate origins in that it seems that we seek leaders, alpha males , or whatever. Except now its more about whether that person has…
Yes, Well aware of the history. But that was 60 years ago. The Soviet Union no longer exists ( even though Putin is trying to bring it back ) Castro is long-dead. At this point We should open up dialogue. I realize the reason is mostly political as to why we don’t. Obama came close.
Yeah. A lot of people have also seemingly forgotten what its like to have a president who acts like a normal person versus a batshit lunatic. They have forgotten how refreshing it was when Biden came in and did boring things- which felt so great after four years of nonsense before.
Its beyond stupid that we still have Cuba on an embargo. Just because they are communist? Hello? We import billions of shit from China. And they do a lot of TERRIBLE things to their population. Open up Cuba and they would have an instant tourist economy as its so close to the US which would help their economy and help…
They are beyond awful. And what sucks is they are usually the ads you can’t skip.
Good. Maybe I won’t have to see anymore of those fucking annoying ads with Tom Brady and that annoying woman.
I’ll make a very gross, generally sweeping statement. Most vehicles that have been modified by what amounts to adult children- people who are either immature or never really grew up, applied themselves, got an education etc usually means they also create monstrosities of the worst possible taste.
A: The ugly-ass hot…
This is never going to work. The Soviets tried a similar design over 50 years ago. They did not have the technical abilities to manufacture engines as large as the ones used on the Saturn rockets... so instead they stuck a whole shit ton of smaller engines together. Rockets are already complicated and when you add the…
All of the reliability reports disagree.
Please explain as I mentioned absolutely nothing about ICE cars. I’m more curious about the mental gymnastics you had to contrive to land at your conclusion.
You’re kidding, right? These look like concepts other automakers showed back when EVs were not a thing. This shows nothing of them being remotely serious. They are if anything very far behind.
Yes. Lessee here...
1: Trump ran his campaign in 2016 largely on attacking skapegoats ( Illegal immigrants) and more or less used racism as a key part of that campaign.
- Adolf Hitler used Jews and communists as his skapegoats and suceeded using that antisemitic messaging to woo a largely uneducated mass of followers-…
Last time I looked Democrats aren’t out there flying Biden flags, wearing Biden hats, proclaiming Biden was anointed by God, and as of this writing haven’t staged a coup. Sorry. This isn’t a “Both sides” thing...
Agreed. When you really look at it from afar the founding fathers set a lot of things up under a sort of “gentlemen’s agreement” meaning surely nobody would be rotten or corrupt enough to go outside of those norms. These days the GOP and Trump are actively and openly trying to eliminate those norms.
God this shit keeps me up at night. Its like half the country is totally in a cult and our justice department is useless and made more so by a supreme court that is now corrupt. As someone who’s grandfathers and Uncles all participated in WW2 I have had a lifelong interest in the history of and leading up to WW2. What…
Not paying much if anything for an old Audi. As many say, no such thing as a cheap German car.
Could have something to do with the fact that they are pretty shitty cars.
Oh what a JUICY response! Nope. I am so sorry to disappoint you but I would probably pass as a redneck in appearance, am very happily married, have a house that we bought for cash on the California coast, make around $550k combined, have around 2 mill in retirement and cash and plan on retiring when we turn 50. So…