
A: The car is pretty fugly looking

B: Its a Toyota.... with a BMW engine. So that alone makes the whole point of owning one pointless. Because people buy Toyotas because they are reliable and sticking an engine in it from a notoriously UN-Reliable manufacture defeats the entire purpose.

C: Dealers marked up the fuck out

Would make sense: Both GM and Ford have factories there churning out Rangers and whatever the Colorados in Thailand. And I see the same thing here in Oakland as far as demographics

That’s fair...

I like your sarcasm...

If we’re honest its safe to say at least 75% of the guys I see driving these huge things barely use them as trucks at all. And on top of that these aren’t the same trucks that granbpa drove. They are so big now they look ridiculous. As in the beds are now so far off the ground now you need a damned ladder just to get

Well, you should’ve seen what I had as a kid. It was a homemade go-cart with a old rototiller engine on it. It was easily good for 40MPH. No roll bars, no nothing. The things me and my friends did on that should have resulted in serious injury. I wrecked it into a tree one day. That hurt.

Americans ( in particular white males ) are idiots. Yes. Let’s impress one another with how macho and “badass” we are by going out and buying the biggest fucking trucks and then on top of it, jacking them up, putting thin blue line and punisher skull stickers on them too. This all perfectly explains why we still have

Agree with many of your points. Cars do last a long time. I am still driving a 1996 Tacoma I bought new off the lot when I was in HS. It is now closing in on the 30 year mark. It wasn’t until recently that it occurred to me that the truck is starting to get into classic car mode. I have babied this thing since new,

I live in a fairly liberal part of California where people tend to buy whatever latest EV comes out. I have seen maybe only 4-5 of these trucks and most were being used by a local utility company. So they don’t really seem to be catching on. At least not here anyway.

This is all we need to know. Maybe email the guy and tell them we’re onto them.

That thing looks dangerous as fuck. No seat belts and completely exposed lead acid batteries meaning on impact you’re going to get seriously messed up.

Well.... things are changing rather dramatically in many of the southern states. I moved out of there ( Tennessee ) over 20 years ago. Whenever I go back, the cities at least are rapidly changing. A LOT of more liberal folks are moving in and that scares the crap out of the GOP.

Dude, you are so full of shit that its criminal. The man IS a threat to democracy. 

I and others responding to you have very correctly pointed out that if Trump wins because according to you we “deserve” it then exactly what do you think will happen when it comes to Palestine? The fact is that there will then be ZERO holding back, Trump will be all in, and hell who knows- offer to send in more

Oh come on with the stupid border shit. Its a totally manufactured crisis from the GOP that has literally nothing to offer other than repeating the “classics” from 2016 where suddenly “the border” was also a crisis. Nothing has changed. There is no crisis. I mean they could- you know- got after real problems such as

Its more than just smogging. Its also about vehicles that have been approved via the state safety and emissions boards. If you bring in a vehicle not classified then its obviously not going to pass anything.

Speak for yourself. I and millions of other people do NOT deserve to suffer and we will not sit idly by either. And if people like you choose to sit the election out and Trump wins as a result then you are exactly just as bad as Netanyahu because it will be the blood of many others on your hands thus making you just

Well, the plane was full of jet fuel. It burns rather hot. Passenger planes are made out of rather lightweight materials and this one had a lot of composite materials. So no wonder it went up like cardboard.

I guess you forgot what Biden said literally on the very first news conference he gave once the war started where he specifically said that Israel should take heed from what we as Americans did in the aftermath of 9/11 in other words- don’t make the same mistake of getting involved in two utterly useless and deadly

Maybe I misstated what I was trying to get at. The way I see it now is that the media is giving him a free pass. Everything this man has done is truly awful. He should be in prison by now. He is out there saying some absolute batshit insane things these days. Somehow we really don’t see that being exposed in any of