Don't care about the golfs but I loathe geese. Fuck them with a hammer.
Don't care about the golfs but I loathe geese. Fuck them with a hammer.
They are garbage shitbirds.
One of these days I will make it there for a race...
Flying monkeys!
She was a she but then became an it when she merged with the PM. Neither male or female.
That's okay if she spelled it wrong.
I would argue that Janice had raw talent in that same vein.
The Puppet Master was a program. Programs have no gender.
Holy shit she is unfunny. She is the exact polar opposite of funny. Boorish? Yes.
Shit, THAT dickhead couldn't even show up to the National Guard to pretend soldier.
It has been a while since I saw the episode. Plane crash it is!
No. YOU troll harder, Trolly McTrollface.
Oh, you are talking about THAT ONE SCENE. By all means base your entire worldview ON ONE SCENE.
Woah there, Teetotaler Tim. I never said people could not drink to their heart's content. That's just usually when their real agendas come out. In vino veritas.
No problem. I am here all week. Tip the waitstaff you cheap bastards.
You sound like a mastodonian sex animal. Stop touching yourself.
I have known some sketchy girls that did this but for the most part you are correct.
Nice person. Nice person is different than nice guy.
Unless they have an awesome personality this is usually true between men and women in most instances.