the dude

Bullshit. I have turned an attractive woman or two down at parties/bars when they pulled cheesy pickup lines. I felt horrible afterwards but a man has to have standards.

Entirely too much airquotes in your post. FAIL.

Maaaayyyybe if I become a doormat long enough and show her I can be a greaaaaat friend I could eventually sniff her panties!! Uh, no.

And don't be friends if you wish for something more. Move on.

The half year made all the difference.

That doesn't say much about him.

Anime hero eyes are usually larger. That means nothing.

She was a young girl that had to accept a full cybernetic body due to an accident or disease when she was young. They had an episode about it in Stand Alone if I remember correctly. She has always identified as female.

With most cars having ABS now and most bikes not this will become more of an issue.

I get the hell away from car whackos quick when I am on the bike. I am going to lose the argument against any other vehicle on the road if it comes to a road rage pissing match.

Where was the coffee?

They apparently were both jerks. Don’t get in an argument with a vehicle that outweighs you by a ton or more because people are idiots.

If I am really pissed by something they did I might give them an Italian chin salute and then buzz away. The weight advantage is too great to overcome to go messing with cars or trucks on a bike.

Read the story. He reluctantly went out there because he knew Ryan would make him eat his hat.

Must be on acid.

It would be awesome if he ran in a zig zag pattern.

Baseball fights are the absolute worst. They are all too scared to hurt something.

No, Ventura is a little punk bitch. He deserves to get beat hard.

You don't need a little punk bitch in your rotation that can't cash the checks his mouth writes. Causes nothing but trouble for everyone else since it is the AL.

The most famous man in the world just went to Mars.