the dude

I just use the password ‘Junebug’ for everything. It’s the same name as my cat.

Obviously you are not a golfer.

I am officially in as long as I get promised a punch in the grill.

And pee peeing on childrens, don't forget that.

Oh, Beyoncé? ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz. Nah, you deserve Drake. Drake what you gonna get.

What did you say about the sheriff?

Needs unicorns.

That she was in charge of. You shadin' yoself gurl.

Admit it. You DESERVE Drake. You are Houston.

When does he want them?!?!?

Night owls rule and get SHIT DONE while early birds just look the part.



Look, the McRib is a horrible sandywich and you don't miss it at all.

Does not compute. NEED INPUT.

Heh, curtains. Kek.

And now, performing the foxtrot... MARMALARDE!

Couple of loud grunts would help. Fuck any person that tries to field a phone call whilst shitting.

And goofy Al Gore.

That does NOT look like a series of tubes. Netfail.