the dude

You should have told him to stop harassing you or else you would report him to the police. He was harassing you and you allowed it.

BBB is useless.

I don't want to beat up on you too much because it sounds like you have not dealt with construction contractors much. The best way to go about it is you come up with a payment plan where your final payment (make it as large as possible to have the most effect) to the contractor is contingent on him getting a punch

I am not gonna say it is aliens, but, ALIENS.

As Alien.

It always comes back to the penis.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Trying to hide what you are must be tiring. People and their fucking labels.

dem womyns

That's totally metal dude!

Dude, cricket is more horrible than baseball so, NO.

2036 - Rollerfucking.


Pennyfarthing racing and moustache competition or GTFO.

That's what happens when you go hotdogging.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oklahoma and luxury do not belong in the same universe.

Louis Tully FTW.

Little dabbing dickheads.

Buncha morans.

Buckaroo Banzai reference.