the dude

Out with the teeth!

Hey, the true crazies out there are the ones that say they are perfectly sane. You just like stirring the pot past a boil and then are surprised when it makes a mess.

I hear ya. The old saying you can't really control the events that happen to you but you can control how you react to those events is VERY true. It helped me be less of a jerk as I mellowed with age.

Always with the finger on the eject button. That has to seriously tiring.

Mah ninja. I don't want to put her off with weaksauce complaints. It has to be 'I might be fired soon' or 'I could potentially serve time if this person does not leave me alone' type shit if I am going to complain to her.

You should be able to have serious talks with your SO like adults do. Not every discussion has to be a serious talk, space them out or else every talk will feel like a serious talk.

Yikes. You needs help if you have not received any yet.

Mr. Ripper, you are needed in the War Room...

For most intents and purposes- don't do it.

They look good on a good pair of nice gams but there is no way in hell I would wear a pair if I was female.

I don't know you!

Red Mountain and Wolf Creek are serious bitches of passes.

Eek. And it happened anyway. That's sad.

Ate the cheese.

Clearly you are not a golfer. And you are harshing my buzz. Mondays man, MUNDAYS.

The world needs more Sapersteins.

You need to get a grip when an imaginary character on an imaginary show makes you lose sleep. GET. A FUCKING. GRIP.

Some serious gaslighting here folks. J-O-B-S. Plural.

Clearly the answer is we need proper strength training for these weak 3 year olds so they can properly shoot a gun.

She was actually a level 9 subdemon so he really was doing the Lord's work.