the dude

And you keep replying to stupid posts. What does that say about you? You want your Special Olympics medal now or later?

I would like to know what type of follow through these types of organizations do when they 'save' these poor waifs. Probably non-existent. "We saved you, now here's five bucks to go build your life with. Gooooood luck!"

These five words I swear to you.

I am not sure People magazine is garbage enough for this flaming dumpster fire of a writer.


The only problem with if that was the real case is people like that wind up doing more harm than good. They only do these kinds of things to stroke their egos.

He has that dreamy Taliban/ISIS look to his that drive all the Burka girls crazy.

You forgot the phrase "saved" also.

Did it include the phrase "And then I unzipped his pants..."?

“I need in on some of this action." - Johhny Manzel.

Happy ending for who? Certainly not the working girls.

The family is not big on school and grades, can't you see? He better of brought his special snowflake to see the Thai hookers.

You are the Snow Doug BMW driver. Because only BMW drivers reply to my silly observation about BMW drivers.

I read the description and saw the gif. All I need to see. What type of BMW do you drive?

You seem to be in need of a safe space. I will immediately reserve some space for you and your BMW at Yale and the University of Missouri.

What type of Bimmer does Snow Doug drive?

What type of Bimmer do YOU drive?

Nah, it's just stupid after one of them punched your mirror. Punches are in your future if you get out of that car in this situation. Get his license plate and call 911. That is the smart move. How do you know bikebrah isn't packing?

Thank you for the clarification on the douche terminology. ;)

So what type of BMW do you own?