Oh, can't see this video yet but a couple of videos I have seen involve Beemers with bikes. Just an observation...
Oh, can't see this video yet but a couple of videos I have seen involve Beemers with bikes. Just an observation...
How come it is always a Beemer that does shady shit to bikers?
How would Dipping Dots be considered classic? They new.
Thanks for correcting me. I could have dug up the equation but I am lazy and Physics I was 20 years ago for me. The key to my point is that the kinetic energy increases when the speed of the colliding vehicles increases.
I could use more roughage.
I am a Gawker asshole, my opinion means everything. I just happen to post also on jalop.
No, boomers are to blame with that "60 is the new 40!" bullshit. Middle age is around 40. Deal with it.
Had no idea it was still on air.
Fucking Boomers and shifting ages to fit their horrible lives.
Just looking at that gives me 'The Sugar'.
He probably also thinks the intarwebs is a series of tubes.
Is there an emoji for fucking clown shoes?
I know job and all but if I had to accept that job to be employed I would have been pounding the pavement to get out of that place quick.
There you are wrong. F= MA. You have vectors of mass and acceleration coming together at one point. Higher speed will result in more force at the collision of the two vehicles.
Some of their tests and assumptions drove me nuts.
If I had the choice I guess I would take hitting the car over the immovable object. Crumple zones, man.
Why not if you are showing wonton abandon for human life? If we can agree that at a certain speed- let's say 130 mph puts people in eminent danger on public roads why not make it a felony? Who the fuck needs to travel above 130 mph on any highway?
I would have probably ended the interview right there. "We can stop right here, thanks for your time".