the dude

Dude is straight up stone cold...

Que lastima!

Full contact chess!

You showed him tough guy!

Typical X-country tough guy here.

Uh, NO.

Boomstick would improve 1000%.

Needs more Beef Supreme and a car with a huge purple dildo taped to the hood.

I want a huge ball rolling down the street like Raiders of the Lost Ark they release after 2 minutes in...


But, do they have bees and vipers??

Designated sniper areas for 100 yards where you need to zig-zag.

Gotta have blockers and jammers...

Danger room marathon. With bees.

PPFFffffffff. Base 10 is overrated. My endless conversions in the Imperial units are top kek.

That's all I have to work with so I make it work.

Hehe. Usenet.


Not mother.

Meat popsicle here if anyone wants to know...