the dude

Uh, national security and something.


I sense IT butthurtedness here for some reason.

I imagine your EVERYONE done by Gary Oldman in The Professional.

Is Polly Prissy Pants and Clyde Frog part of the crowd?

I could go for an Orange Julius in my backyard.

Kraft has proven the sock puppet theory on multiple occasions.

Rules, schmules. This is money we are talking about here!

The real reason why deflategate went bonkers was Goodell was dispensing justice after covering up for spygate for his boy Kraft and felt burned after ‘taking one for the team’. Science be damned when a lover is spurned in their own mind.

The feels.


Shut up thinking bad thoughts like that. Go take a shower with Brillo and Lye.

Do not step on my Dolly/Kenny awesomeness, BRAH.

We need a drunk history of this STAT.

Thetans suppress the ghey.

Is the man considered a beard for the woman? Is there some other term for this? Beard makes no sense in that case.

You are right, I have no concept of overpaying for shit.

Why would he dress up in a Canadian Tuxedo to sell an overpriced 150?

Gneiss Tetons!