the dude

kitteh seen stuff.

Our usernames would spawn the cutest of memey memes.

Oh, I was thinking more along the lines of "Hi! Welcome to Goodburger, home of the Goodburger. May I take your order?"

You gonna suffer quite a bit before ya get snuffed...

GOP getting mighty thirsty these days...

Oh, he is totes Agustus Gloop.

I do both. No, I knew it was allowed a few years ago at Taos- just finally went there this last year. I thought most places lifted the ban, it just means you are willing to let money walk away in my mind.

Brah, you don't know that half of it.

Well played, Sir Skier, well played.

Holy shit. I had no idea there were board bans anywhere. I thought Taos was the lone holdout.

So fresh and so clean-clean.

Dead snowboarders file no reports.

I chucked the little whippersnapper, thought he was coming on to me talking about tits and such. He forgot to mention before that comment he said something along the lines of, "Caitlyn Jenner is very brave".

Nobody owns the water. God owns - it’s God’s water.

They didn't give you a B.S. for nuthin'!

The sport drink whispered it in his ear.

Yeah, it's like owning THE BEACH, man. NOBODY owns THE BEACH, man.

Yeah, not even close.

Shaddup ya SlAggie.

Nope, not close. Nobody is as big an asshole as Pats fan.