the dude

But, you didn’t go straight pipes like every other stereotypical Harley jerk out there, did you?

Targeting computers are for total pussies.

If he can get enough assholes on his side then he can and will move. Not all the owners out there are assholes, I should have mentioned that.

Did you find yourself gutting the stock pipes to make the bike more obnoxious than stock and also revving the engine at stop lights to be even more of a dickhead?

The rich have no allegiance, just dreams of more and more ca$h. The first rich asshole to the finish line takes all, they don't care about anyone else. And when LA won't give him a stadium in 20 years the same process will happen. You can bank on it.

Totes. Hay for hayseeds in Picksburgh!

OK dickhead, tell me in your infinite wisdom why St. Louis cannot support three professional teams in great detail.

Be quiet with your stupid facts, man. The rich fucks want nothing of that talk.

This is about rich assholes fucking little people over to fleece them for more money, plain and simple.

To Jamaica or de Bahamas? Nah, mon.

Or something.

Dude should look into playing for the Italian national football team after his NFL career.

Go fuck yourself right now.

Yeah, this utopian barter system talk is bullshit. Greenbacks talked on Shakedown Street.

Estimated Profit (I know)

Man, I like me some Kanye too but those shoes are fucking U-G-L-Y.

Nah, "Get off mah lawn, Biiiiitch!!"

Uh, you forgot 3 feet high. Old school!

You sir, got a good, hearty guffaw from this lad.

Obvious Jayhawk fan. Science much?