Cooler cat.
Cooler cat.
Is that cat's name Junebug?
BUT, if said cat lives does that mean the Chefs win a playoff game?
Jabronis. But that would give a bad name to wrasslin’ jabronis so I am hesitant to roll that out.
We got that on Xmas. If you are fucked enough to have to work today they figure you are fucked.
My homie. Stay strong.
FARGO! Home of Lester Shy and the Shyfonics!
But. It is sooooo convenient!
Beef curtains?
Yeah, that was by far the most effed up movie I have watched EVER. Some fucked up shit there.
Happy New Year to you too fuckhead!
Boxowl making sure you ain't beating your bishop in your jalop.
I'll take my chances in court and not consent then let Johnny Law have free reign to do God knows what in my automobile.
That is the fucking dumbest logic I have heard in quite a while. Ask the cop if he minds if you search his car while searching yours for contraband.
Uh, no.
You can let them know you do not give them consent, loud and clear.
I think what he was saying was do not consent to a search if you don't feel like it.
What is bullshit about police not being professionals? Last time I checked police did not have to maintain professional police licenses they way other professional jobs do.
Roshambo FTW.
TL;DR. Give me Cliff Notes version.