the dude

How many years later?

STUPID morans!

Nah bitch. I live in KCK, look it up sometime when you want to foolishly throw around ‘suburban pussy’ comments on teh intarwebs.

Eh, don't care. Don't live in either city any more. Rough around the edges, that's some funny shit right there.

You still don't get that it was a parody account.

Your argument is like the guy in hell up to his chin in shit is making fun of the guy in the next room being upside down in shit up to his ankles. There are both in shit, in hell.

Well, there is that.

Oooooh, hot third grade take here folks!

That was one player we did not want to lose. If the Cubs sign on a lock starter or two there will be no holding them back.

This is karma knocking, anybody home?

Yeah, I imagine it would be tough to recreate her reality on film. She is awesome. I wish Grohl would have done a whole episode of interviewing just her for the Sonic Highways episodes he did. The best parts of the Nashville episode was her interview.

Man, lab sucked when you already spent three hours running the loop and realizing at the end you were 5 hundredths off.

Keep up that kind of talk and you will get a rod.

That would be pretty scary since a lot of times you would be walking around with a machete or a hand ax if you are the rod dummy and stumble on that.


True story- I did once trip and fall straight into a vajayjay. But then I kept falling in and out again until my pee pee threw up. Crazy, huh?

Do chaps come any other way?

I have a tux t-shirt (you know the kind) that I like to bust out along with a pair of radical surf shorts and flippy flops.

A Christmas burka.

I see you are a victim of a 'hot cosby'.