the dude

No shit, you are just another two-faced hypocrite with that type of silly behavior.

Sport fucking.

Fuck that tyrannosaurus-armed mutherfucker.

Uh, nope.

Hopefully they show his death in all it's gory detail in slow motion and run it back and forth a few times for effect.

You go, you!

I is a graduate of that school!

Ah, the GLC. My first car. Memories...

Waaaat? You don't wanna buy my sweeeeet Skyline?


Keeping up relations.

You shut your whore mouth. It is mildly funny with the proper portions of drug cocktails.

Holy crap. 40. That’s crazy.

Or Tecmo Okoye.

I am sure Vmax owners would probably say the same thing about you, Mr. Sunshine.

Bingo. Someone that actually understands the financials of REAL life including having children. From the general tone of comments this kind of thought seems to be lacking.

20 years, so you can follow them to college if they make it.

By your logic they could not afford to do what they wanted to do with the baby. What is so fucking hard to understand about that?

What if we rename her Poop or Pootie?

BUT, they could not afford to keep the child at home and send the child to daycare at a later date. SO, they could not afford to do what they wanted to do.