Halep v. Sharapova is the only match so far in the Women’s Singles US Open that anyone anywhere looked at the two names and thought ‘I have definitely heard both these names before’.
Halep v. Sharapova is the only match so far in the Women’s Singles US Open that anyone anywhere looked at the two names and thought ‘I have definitely heard both these names before’.
You can decline your rookie contract. If someone drafts you the next year, you can decline that contract too. Now, in the third year, you’re a free agent.
My understanding of most anti-doping regulations is that any supplementing of testosterone, as well as almost anything that boosts the bodies natural testosterone creation was usually considered doping.
Can we please call this the Ashton Surber Hat Trick.
At some point, FIFA and the 2022 World Cup are going to become part of the story, aren’t they?
Somebody fears being assassinated.
That was more memorable than anything I’ve ever seen that in any way involved golf.
Am I the only one who prefers their crickets fresh or frozen, instead of ground in to a shelf stable powder?
I work out to Katy Parry’s Teenage Dream. Where does that rank?
I know as much of their anthem as she does.
I challenge the validity of a lot of the short words. QI ZA EL QAT are all words unfamiliar to any English speaker. It’s the TWL’s fault for allowing these in the first place.
It’s not just gender. How about their video series about race, titled I’m (insert overly broad racial category), but I’m not (insert very outdated racial stereotype, completely foreign to anyone who watches BuzzFeed videos)
The one Jalopnik article I’ll read this month. It was worth it.
The Jets should send out a guy covered with a bed sheet.
I’m pretty sure the Green Bay kicked a field goal on every possession of the 2014 NFC Championship Game and they didn’t win.
Curious: I live in Canada, and I have made a conscious decision to never to refer to anyone by this thing called ethnicity. I will only distinguish you as either a Citizen of Canada, a partial citizen, or a foreigner. Would such an attitude be a bad thing in the United States, or would it be irresponsible, or is it…
It’s a good thing they’ll show all of that dancing on a network that nobody watches, such as NBC.
Gotta go libertarian-feminist on yo’ ass: The hair belongs to the daughter. It’s her body, first and foremost. Another person has no right no non-consentually modify it in any way.
He should get a teardrop for everyone he’s allegedly killed.