THE Colonel Trautman

There’s simply no reason for him to do so. You’re talking about the guy who went through with Saudi Arabia even after they assassinated an American reporter. Vince doesn't care.

As someone who was once part of a similar insurrection against arrogant, incompetent, and condescending management, I want to applaud all of y’all for today’s showing. I’m sure you’re simultaneously enjoying the fun of mutiny while also understanding the risk. Please also know how much it means to us here in the feebl

Can you let me know when you will be returning to sports coverage so I can go back to checking in once or twice per day? I have a lot to do today at work and all of these posts about non-sports topics are distracting because I Must Read Every Single One of Them. Whereas with the sports stuff I really only care if its

If he really wanted to emulate the Undertaker, it should have taken him at least 12 minutes to get from the on-deck circle to the batter’s box.

As someone who was in the Army during 9/11 I can personally say that I do not feel offended in anyway by kneeling football players. Obviously as one person among the ~1.3M people in the military, my opinion is anecdotal and not a blanket belief by all veterans, but I have a hard time imagining many of the other

This is going to be hardest on Bristol, Track, Twig, Smock, Groot, Krunk, Willow, Slider, Stub, Twiddle, Piper, Fluff, Carat, Keg, Snuggle, Bop, Rice and Spoit.

“[T]he security team also has no interest in dealing with fans like that, since their job is to protect the wrestlers and not the fans.”

I feel sorry for people who don’t have fun memories from their youth that they like to revisit from time to time. 

Find me a 62-63 T-Bird in that lot or a Continential 4-door drop top (any year) and I’m there.

If we HAVE to stand for a specific song, and HAVE to put our hands on our hearts or risk getting jacked are we really free?

I discovered Mad Magazine when I was 10 years old in 1972. Because my parents thought Mad was a bad influence and didn’t want me reading it, I’d have to sneak down to the grocery store to buy an issue each month for 35¢ (CHEAP).

Couple things:

I came in to the Orion X-Men Project after they’d given up on Conway and Thomas, as the proposed budget just kept inflating. I’d been into to pitch other things to the then-director of development, who I’d come to know when she’d worked for Roger Corman.

Living in any city with a major league sports team means you’re taking part in a scam to subsidize stadiums for billionaires. Rather than dig in their own pockets, they dig into scarce budgets and tax payer wallets while using local media outlets to push PR for ‘much needed economic boost’ headlines when you’re just

Our whole nation seems to be governed by the sunk cost fallacy.

This episode of black mirror sucks

Can I say something being the second oldest dude here? Game of Thrones premiered April 17, 2011. A sane man occupied the White House, the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell signed, Saddam Hussein dead, Occupy Wall Street, The HARRY POTTER movies ended, and Gabriel Giffords survived a senseless attack. The excitement