THE Colonel Trautman

The Wildcats is the most generic team mascot ever.

They’ve got the moves like Jaguar (Junction).

“Gunn Fired, Conservative Assholes To Blame

Shop at Walmart instead.

“Savage, I’m cut in half pretty bad.

Honk If You’re Horny!

Ray LeBlanc!

Manti Te’o and his invisible sidekick Lennay Kekua.

It’s been a real time saver since I’m not reading nearly as many comment threads on here anymore. Mr. Scorpio says productivity is up 2%, and it’s all because of Kinja’s motivational techniques

How the hell do i find any articles from earlier than today? Old TV Club recaps for example...

Kinja Sucks. This redesign sucks.

I recommend shorting Kinjabucks.

It's over, Moochie. IT'S OVER.

Dewey, I'm cut in half pretty bad.

I attended Raw last night, and it sounds like the show as a whole came across better in person than it did on TV. The crowd HATED Roman, and most cheered Y2J in his adopted hometown.

It's over, Dennis. IT'S OVER!

It's over, Johnny. IT'S OVER.


It's over, Johnny. IT'S OVER!