I looked at EVERY dealer in the Denver area. Exactly ONE had an Accord Sport 2.0T with a stick in it, and they refused to allow test drives as it was parked next to the Type-R inside the building. Every other manual listed was actually an auto.
I looked at EVERY dealer in the Denver area. Exactly ONE had an Accord Sport 2.0T with a stick in it, and they refused to allow test drives as it was parked next to the Type-R inside the building. Every other manual listed was actually an auto.
Statistically they aren’t.
There are reasons. A fair few of them.
I’ll say that I get “randomly selected” for additional security very frequently. And if you’ve never been searched post security, then I’ll just say,. “must be nice”.
You’re right, next time I want to go to Tokyo form the US, I’m packing the minivan!
1) to make dumb people feel safe
More proof that ‘stand your ground’ and other such laws are meant for white people and no one else.
Just doing what this country does best. Locking people up and throwing them away. Never mind the circumstances of the crime. Or anything else. Just lock them up. If she serves all of that time, she will be institutionalized to the point that she won’t know how to even think for herself when she gets out. Damn.
He sure got worked up into a Fuhrer rather quickly.
I’d love to see him reveal his results on live TV:
Anyone who is more concerned with antifa than the actual fascists that antifa opposes is suspect as fuck.
Antifa is troubling.
Literally less than a year ago there was insufficient pushback against these fucks. They mauraded through the streets trying to intimidate and beat minorities, and one asshole actually killed a person. So fuck off with this "If we just ignore them they'll go away." That logic is clearly wrong.
If it’s avowed haters and other assorted fascists, Yes. All day, everyday. I’m not a government agent. Me telling them to shut up and fuck off doesn’t violate their rights.
Sorry the facts don’t fit you fantasy world, dumbass.
Because, you fucking moron, there is more to the story and it wasn’t ALL about Gandhi nor MLK.
No, you don’t. You are seeing what you want to see.
No, they are not. If you did not sleep in history class, you would see their goals are very clear and you would also know what fascism is.
I need to be lectured by some ignorant white boy about MLK Jr’s protest tactics like I need a hole in the head.