Other presidents were smart enough not to legitimize a dictator who threatens US allies with nuclear weapons. Now Lil-Kim gets legitimized at the expense of US credibility, and Trump gets a photo op so he looks like a “leader” to people who don’t know any better.
Have people gotten amnesia? The reason no president has met with N Korea before is because we required they agree to nuclear disarmament BEFORE we come talk to them. Not so much with this current guy.
Mark my words, we are going to enter into a deal where Kim doesn’t have to give up jack shit and there is a Trump real estate deal in DRPK.
Saying that this Presidency is based on white supremacy and enriching the rich is just hyperbolic.
Saying that this Presidency is based on white supremacy and enriching the rich is just hyperbolic.
Trump-era policy actions are based on white supremacy, further enriching the rich, and undoing Obama-era legislation. I don’t even know if the order of those three are interchangeable anymore.
Damn it, they’re going to make me say it.
Trump doesn’t even want this dude.
So attacking minorities while supporting the racist clown in the white house is “free thinking” nowadays, huh?
Dead wrong. Trump did not make him do this. Dude just wants to feel Superior while being a piece of trash. There are enough issues between our two races. Thanks.
Dunno... Kanye?
Kanye really out there doing shit.
Now this is a case of mental illness. Seriously.
DEFENSE: My client kicked them out because they’re Democrats!
They really hate it when their whiteness is DENIED. :)
And yet I promise Taylor Swift will do nothing to denounce the white-supremacist that consider her the reincarnation of Freya because she likes them racist duckets.
Very impressive! It would be remiss to not mention the great Melissa DeTora and her top 8 at a Pro Tour, and two top 8s at GPs as well. She also now works for Wizards helping balance the game as part of their Play Design team. Very smart woman!
Can you name anything Kimmel’s done that’s as bad as the Seth Rich thing?