Ali Baba & the Fourdy Thiefs

I’ve never thought the Clockwork Mansion to be the best level in the game, and agree whole heartedly with the author that A Crack in the Slab was more deserving of that title.

I ordered mine last night at 3:01 am EST from GameStop; ThinkGeek also launched their sales window at the same time. The servers were definitely taking a heavy load as site refresh times were extremely slow... but nothing I haven’t experienced during an iPhone pre-order before.

Its worth noting that Standard has been a healthy format (albeit a boring mid range one) for a long time, this is the first time such a broken interaction has reared his head in M:tG since Caw-Blade and Faeries... and the first major emergency standard banning since the original Mirrodin block.

As a former resident of the NJ 11th, and as someone who’s been involved in local politics for awhile, I can tell you that Representative Frelinghuysen had been a fairly bipartisan rep for most of his career. It wasn’t until the rise of the Tea Party crazies (and the Chris Christie bullying) that he started to shift

Actually, you aren’t quite right about that... though it’s a common logical fallacy many people fall victim to when discussing true voter equality.

I can only speak for NJ, but our pension issues have fuck all to do with Unions and everything to do with our trump-lite governor. His morbidly corrupt and obese ass raided the pensions to balance a state budget that he and his cronies stuffed with graft.

But arent dropping coal prices the result of the lack of demand on the global market?... and most coal mining operations are achieved with mountain leveling machines rather than miners. Like the automated jobs in the auto industry, these jobs arent coming back no matter who’s in the white house.

The interview wasn’t bad, and I thought that they both composed themselves well. I don’t agree with any of the vitriol that came out of her mouth... but I was surprised that she was as well composed and coherent as she was, considering that her show is like a garbage fire.

Having trouble with the code for the Car Vacuum, says “The promotional code you entered cannot be applied to your purchase.”

Having trouble with the code for the Car Vacuum, says “The promotional code you entered cannot be applied to your