Yep I get that all the time as well. It’s a car not a lazy boy recliner! People who buy cars where supreme ease of entry and exit are in their top three priorities should only include the disabled.
Yep I get that all the time as well. It’s a car not a lazy boy recliner! People who buy cars where supreme ease of entry and exit are in their top three priorities should only include the disabled.
If we can ask our youth to drive tanks, kill people with drones, drop bombs from jets, strafe from a helicopter I think we can allow them the freedom to drive a car with three hundred horsepower. Insurance costs, speeding tickets, comments from others, bring a healthy dose of reality and responsibility to all but a…
Seems like your passenger winds up with a lap dance eye view during a fill up.
As an old person I disagree. You can do all sorts of dangerous things before you are twenty in this country: fly a jet, pilot a tank, blow people up with a drone, sail the open sea solo. There is no reason to punish generations of young people because of some entitled kids are douchebags. At 24 and the guy in New…
I know what you were talking about. However, I’m saying that the Integra Type R is closer to a Civic type R then the EP3 Civic Si is. Macpherson struts and a lack of helical LSD even in that generations type R were a step backwards.
Maybe the famous Ferrari fires is a marketing ploy just trying to cash in on that pre ripped acid washed designer jeans money. I’m mean time is money and some Ferrari customers want that broken in well seasoned look the moment they sign the papers.…
That looks way more fun to drive. Did you guys wind up eventually installing air conditioning and power steering? If so, did you by a kit to do so?
Here is my “probably” controversial take on it. “Everybody is ultimately responsible for their own orgasm.” Before you grab your pitchforks and torches...I say that as one of those hetero guys in the 5%.
That’s the why I advised that guy wanting to know what car to take to Europe to take something they can’t get there and bring back something they can’t get here. Car forum people spend crazy money importing parts or cars that aren’t sold in their country just to be unique. In California front clip conversions are a…
Star for the last sentence!
Maybe he has a thing for two door Fords and a need to drive a different car for awhile...while the heat dies down after the last Cars and Coffee.
I’m 6'1" and spent my childhood (until I left for college) riding in the back of a two door 75 then 82 Civic hatch. It wasn’t a big deal sliding a seat forward. Of course back then we weren’t all obese or staring into our phones or at drop down DVD players. We passed the miles away by fighting over who was on who’s…