Parts of California actually qualify as temperate rain forests. When I first moved to Humboldt it rained over forty days in a row. Some weather sites have it at 49.15 inches on average a year some around 45. Average high of 65 degrees in July and around 175 sunny days. For perspective it gets about a foot more…
Italian spyders and college students a proud American tradition.
College degrees are not cheap anymore. It’s gone up 260% since I went back in the 80's. It’s far outpaced inflation. I used to think 100k in student loans was crazy as well until I saw my brother and his wife making well over $500k a year EACH as a result of going to good schools. Now I know I was the stupid one…
I’m sure. Most religions are big on brand loyalty.
That is precisely my line of thinking. There is always someone willing to pay to drive the thing they can’t get. Find those people and make a deal with one of them to bring over what they want. Make it cheaper then they would have to pay an importer. Use that money to rent a car for the wife with heated seats, find…
Why go on some UK message boards and find a car/truck that somebody is dying to own in England and can’t get? Bring that over and sell it to them. Use that money to get something you can’t get stateside and bring that back for some collector here. Profit both ways. Rent something with heated seats to make your wife…
So can someone explain to me what sort of odds you have have of not hydrolocking your car if you are driving in water deeper then your air intake?
I’d like to see him replace “The American”. He seems like he would be good at giving humbling comments aimed back at Clarkson, May and Hammond while flogging the test cars around the track.
Forest Falls isn’t even remotely close to Los Angeles. Maybe you could drive there in a hour after midnight, but in rush hour it would take several torturous hours. They are inherently very different places. L.A. flat, overpopulated, sea level, paved, 15 inches of rain a year versus an unincorporated community of a…
Gave you a well deserved star but am going to post this anyway. Pretty much only because I think it looks cool and I am a Celica Alltrac fan.
My point was and still is... not to name our Aircraft Carriers after a person at all.
and you would be right about that. Just still wrong about the 20 year old sophomore thing was my point.