
What I know about Gerald Ford is what most people my age know about him. He became president after Nixon resigned. He was never elected president or vice president. The image on his failed campaign button is the image my generation carries of him.

That comment wasn’t about Ford. I was looking to the future when they try and slap Trumps name on a carrier.

I get that. It wasn’t their service that earned them a name on a ship tho’. It was politics plain and simple. Reagan was in the Army Reserve where he made training films and sold war bonds stateside.

The ground has a hard time soaking it all up in time because L.A. is 98.5% paved... not because it hasn’t rained in so long. There is so much concrete in that city they just up and decided to make all the creek and river beds out of it while they were at it. Hell even the beaches are mostly parking lots and sidewalks.

Yes but were they worthy of the title? Were they inspirational leaders? Naming aircraft carriers after people who used daddy’s money or influence to “dodge the war” just sits wrong with me. Presidents should have libraries named after them. If after a 100 years have passed and we consider them to be one of the

I understand and I thought about that. It would probably come down to how it was presented or how the tribes perceived the offer. “We would like to honor these famous Native Americans who fought bravely in the face of overwhelming odds by naming America’s greatest naval vessels after them. As a maturing nation we

Worlds most tricked out Aircraft Carrier needs a better moniker then the Gerald Ford.

I think you mean gpms.

Wow, if I had known you could get a car collection like this selling Hondas I would have gone into the dealership business. That’s amazing. Impressive collection. Man I want a Honda Beat with a B18c and a JRSC.

Except unlike the tornado fuel saver...presumably the hood scoop doesn’t reduce peak horsepower and it does the job it was designed to do.

Punch all the donuts on this card and get a free angioplasty?

Now playing

I used highbeams in day as well. Modulators just bug me. Some guys put them on their cars third brake lights too.

At least three years have to happen. Even then he will be wandering around with his Cheeto fingers coating everything he touches in radioactive orange colored cheese puff goop.

If you have several million dollars I think you have the means to weather most storms. It’s the other 99% of us that are gonna really grapes of wrathing it.

Oh no! Free healthcare and a better standard of living.... say it isn’t

When you say “beat” are we talking quarter mile times or cars and coffee crowd control?

This thing is way more appealing in the $2,450 range. Rust, cut springs, crap interior, exhaust leak makes me think it should be less then $3k. I bet it’s fun as hell to drive once the springs are replaced. I love that motor. It’s surprisingly fun for something so gutless.